20-Year Anniversary

Since 2005, BB Imaging has pursued a single mission: make high-quality ultrasound accessible to every patient. This year, we celebrate 20 years of progress toward that goal. One ultrasound at a time has added up over the years, and to date, we’ve served 475,000 patients and counting.

While we are unbelievably proud of our progress, we know there’s much more to do. If you want to increase access to high-quality diagnostic services for your patients, we hope you’ll consider partnering with our team and our 20-year track record of reliability, excellence, and elevated client service.

Why BB Imaging

Reduce overhead

We manage the hiring, training, scheduling, quality assurance, payroll, and benefits for each of our sonographers.

Fill schedules

We cover 100% of your contracted shifts, and will happily work in or float between multiple locations in your health system.

Access experts

In as little as 30 days, we’ll partner you with the top talent you’re looking for, guaranteed to meet or exceed your requirements.


"After Covid hit, we were left with only one ultrasound tech. I started looking for options and was sold on BB Imaging from the start. Their sonographers are high-quality, highly efficient superstars, and the client service team provides reliable support in the background. I have total confidence in their team, and when they're in-clinic, I don’t worry nearly as much as I would any other day of the week."

- Claire Holland, Radiology Manager, Swope Health