Your Dream Ultrasound Job: A Week in the Life
Are all ultrasound jobs the same? We don’t think so. If you follow us on Facebook or Instagram, or if you’ve been to our career page recently, you’ll know that sonographers LOVE to work for BB Imaging. We’re proud of that reputation, and we do a lot to ensure our sonographers feel supported, celebrated, and able to build the ultrasound career they want.
Let us show you why the ✨dream ultrasound job✨ is working as a diagnostic medical sonographer at BB Imaging! We’ll take you through a week in the life of one of our sonographers to show you the real benefits you can enjoy as one of our teammates.
Monday – Technical Assistants for the Win
Happy Monday, ya’ll! I grabbed a coffee and my massive BB Imaging water bottle before heading out this morning to a clinic right here in ATX, where our company is headquartered. I’m starting my week here in the metro, and on Thursday/Friday, I’ll travel to a clinic a little further out. (BB Imaging is all about serving outreach locations and underserved populations—and I’m happy to be part of that!)
We start every day with a morning meeting, which not only keeps our team updated, but also keeps us focused on our purpose of making ultrasounds accessible to everyone. Because when you think about it, every exam we complete is an important step to meeting our mission! 💪
After the meeting, I got ready for my first patient. It was super easy since the Technical Assistant already had them checked in and the exam room prepped. When I finish the exam, they’ll come back to handle the cleanup, too. All of us sonographers love the TAs – they really help lessen the administrative burden, which keeps us from feeling burned out and lets us focus on scanning.
That’s why we chose sonography, right? Patient care, not paperwork. I love having the freedom to focus on being thorough in my imaging and reports – which makes my doctors happy too. Plus, I genuinely love spending time with my patients. I can help ease their minds if they’re nervous, walk them through the exam like a play-by-play, and leave them feeling confident that they’re truly cared for and in good hands.
Speaking of my doctors, BB Imaging partners with some of the best. They’re all great to work with and genuinely respect and appreciate my skillset. They do all have their preferences, though, and we’re super happy to accommodate those. There’s a binder in each facility that details exactly what they want, so we never fail to meet their standards. Honestly, though, you don’t need the binder for long. I’m so used to their unique needs now that it just comes naturally.
Tuesday – Sonographer Training and Professional Development
I’m back at the Austin metro clinic today, and as one of the more tenured sonographers on the team, I’m getting to help with new sonographer training. See, BB Imaging provides customized ultrasound training for each new team member, and I’m the dedicated trainer for our newest recruit. We’re almost done (only one milestone left!), then we’ll celebrate graduation, and they’ll start scanning all on their own. I remember my training – it was so helpful and gave me so much confidence for the day I started going solo.
I’m not just helping others elevate their skills, though. I’m also building my own career! I’m currently prepping to take the fetal echo exam, sometimes sneaking in some study time at lunch. One of my teammates at this clinic is also studying, so we work together and take advantage of all of BB Imaging’s free resources. There’s so much good stuff! Plus... I’ll get the exam fee reimbursed if I pass, which gives me some extra motivation. 😉
BTW... I know most employers don’t incentivize upskilling, so any time I see an open role my network might be interested in, I make sure to share it. We use an app called Gravity, and every time we share a job, we get entered into a drawing for a monthly prize. And if any of my referrals get hired, I get a bonus!
Wednesday – Sonographer-first Culture
It’s my final day at the Austin metro location for the week, and during our morning meeting, I mentioned an idea for a process we could improve. It’s not a big change, but it could really help streamline some things, so now the charge sonographer and regional director are going to look into what it would take to implement! Until then, it’s scanning as usual.
During an exam today, I found an interesting anomaly and wanted a second opinion (and maybe a third, fourth, and fifth opinion, too). So, I snapped a couple of images of what I was seeing, made sure they were anonymized, and shared them with our Clinical Chat. It’s just a channel on Teams, but omg, it’s amazing. All of BB Imaging’s sonographers from across the nation are on this chat, and many of them chimed in on what they thought I was seeing. I even got some tips for imaging it next time. I can’t even imagine how many years of experience are on this chat, but it’s one of my go-to resources when I’m in the clinic.
I said I was studying for the FE exam, right? Here’s the thing: BB Imaging has sonographers studying for the fetal echo pretty much all the time. So, not only do they provide study resources, but they also have designated study groups that you can join. After studying on Tuesdays, I bring my questions to this Wednesday group meeting, and we talk them out together.
Thursday - Sonographer Appreciation and Wellbeing
Today I was out of the metro and in a clinic further out of town. It's a nice change of scenery, and my teammates are awesome (as always), so I still feel comfortable and connected.
After our morning exams, we hopped on the Team Call. This one is a bi-weekly town hall kind of meeting. My favorite part is Kudos.👏 We can submit kudos at any time, and all of them get read out loud during this meeting. I got kudos for covering another sonographer’s shift. Let’s be honest: I would’ve done it even if I hadn’t been recognized, but being celebrated by the whole team makes me feel extra appreciated. I also gave Kudos to one of our TAs who went above and beyond during a really busy day at clinic last week. (I told you - we love those people!)
Also on today’s Team Call, we learned that a charge sonographer is moving up into a Director role for one of our regions. It’s a well-deserved promotion, and I love that BBI promotes from within. I might even try for that role someday!
Exams kept me busy all afternoon, but I made sure to get home in time to make it to my massage appointment. I get one twice a month using my wellness benefit. It can also cover things like gym memberships, chiropractic care, childcare, and counseling services, but I would never give up my massages. I don’t scan in pain anymore, and even if my muscles are sore from a long day (like today), they get loosened and relaxed. BTW... it also helps that BB Imaging limits the number of scans per day so that I can avoid MSK injuries and keep scanning.
Friday – Birthday PTO
🎈It’s my birthday, so I got the day off! (Yes, BB Imaging believes birthdays are a holiday!) I started with a homemade breakfast and a workout, which I made sure to share on social media. We’re in the middle of the annual wellness month celebration, so they’re giving away a lot of cool prizes and each photo gets me an entry into the drawing. Maybe posting on my birthday will give me a little extra luck!
Saturday and Sunday
Just kidding! I had to put this in here just to let you know that BB Imaging sonographers don’t work weekends, nights, or on-call. We get regular schedules, which helps me with work-life balance.
That’s it!
So, what do you think now? Are all sonography jobs the same, or are you ready to start your dream sonography job with BB Imaging?