
Stay Healthy, Stay Positive...with a Staycation.
Industry Topics Jill Farr Industry Topics Jill Farr

Stay Healthy, Stay Positive...with a Staycation.

Healthcare workers are the definition of essential personnel. Working hard in this industry is a given but performing at your peak without a break isn’t sustainable, it also makes things less enjoyable.

Taking time off, even for “just” a staycation is a good thing to do for your patients, and your employer, but most importantly, it’s a good thing for you.

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                            A Season for Self Care
Industry Topics Blanca Lesmes Industry Topics Blanca Lesmes

A Season for Self Care

We are entering a season full of friends, full of family, full of fun. It’s a time overflowingly full. It can be difficult to balance all the things we need and want to do this time of year.  Holiday merriment may cross the line into mental, physical, and emotional stress.   Consider a way to stay centered and check in with yourself regularly, in as little as 5 to 10 minutes a day, yoga can help you maintain your physical health and your sanity.

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