Technology in the Healthcare Industry

U-Lite Ultrasound Device

BB Imaging makes it a priority to produce the best results with some of the most modern technological innovations. While the United States appears to be moving faster than a blink of an eye, other nations are catching up as well. Global trends are at an all time high causing sonographers to question the role of technology in the healthcare industry. Ultrasound innovation has made rapid progress over the last decade primarily in Europe. The hand-held ultrasound equipment market has moved to the next level of becoming more efficient for a more feasible cost. As of June 13, 2016, the U-Lite Ultrasound device has been globally deemed as the most efficient commercial ultrasound system. This device is not only pocket-sized, but also has a 10-second boot time and produces HD images of internal organs and their vascularization with hundreds of multi-frequency probes. This is just one example of several new ultrasound innovations that are ten steps ahead of you.

The top of a transducer

The World Health Organization stated that the top two features that sonographers ask for is rapidity and eco-friendly. Sonographers are now able to scan for longer durations and produce even better high-resolution images. Medical imaging started off with hours of work in the 1980’s and has now been shortened to less than 10 minutes of work for sonographers. Do this mean technology is taking over? Are these innovations affecting sonographer jobs? Well, not quite. Ultrasound innovation will never become completely independent because of the need for human contact. Global research shows that expecting individuals feel that sonographers not only give them a sense of confidence, but also much more personable than technology will ever be. Sonographers bring a specialized skill set aside from technology and are able to better look for abnormalities. Furthermore, which many misinterpret the role of technology itself, it is to further the advancement of sonographers to better help them cater towards patients, rather than replace them.

Award-winning SONOtrain™

Award-winning SONOtrain™

Another pervasive issue is cost. The new SONOtrain™ trainer that recently won a world top innovation award simulates a real soft feeling through tissues that carry out palpations and injections to show realistic texture of ultrasound images. It is supposed to help sonographers improve hand-eye coordination, however, it is triple the cost of an average device. Furthermore, these devices are currently not mass-produced, therefore, it is extremely difficult to predict theavailability of them. Medical innovation will never reach an end because there are constantly new ways to simplify human behavior. Additionally, since 2009, the number of sonographers in the United States specifically have reduced by 18% and real question is “why?” Some attribute the cause of this drastic drop to the increase in ultrasound develop and others to external economic factors.

Where do we stand?

BB Imaging as a company will still continue to be successful as long as there is a constant rate of demand for sonographers. Considering the fact that most ultrasound innovation has not yet developed in the United States, there is still a high demand for current ultrasound products. The best solution currently is to try to maximize devices and minimize scan timings. Using better teaching tools for basic training is just one way to ensure that employees are better equipped coming into the job. Technology startups are competing over better ultrasound technology, but fail to realize that customers do not care too much about the “fanciest” rather than the most “efficient” device. They want what gets the task done without prices going up. We are what’s next in medical imaging. Sonographers at BB Imaging have made it top priority to keep up with fast-paced technological change and best meet every patients’ needs every day. 

A stethoscope sits on top of a patient folder

Return On Investment (ROI) for Sonographers


Cervical Length Assessment and Preterm Labor